Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Role Reversal

Katie and Brad want to make love, but the camera crew bursts into their room. Brad gets them out, and then he and Katie discuss whether or not they are doing the right thing. Neither one likes the constant attention they are getting from the camera crew, but Katie wants to see Brad get his job back. Brad comes up with a plan. They get dressed and put their robes over their clothes. They tell the camera crew they have to make sure Liberty gets off to school before they film. Once the camera crew has gone into another room, Brad and Katie take their robes off and leave.

Meg hears Eliza crying in her sleep and believes she is in the room. She wakes to find she is not there. Dusty tells her it was just a dream. Meg cries, and Dusty comforts her.

At home, Holden calls Jack, but finds there is not new news on Eliza. He wonders why Meg isn't answering her phone or e-mails, and Lily informs him that Dusty is with her. Holden is displeased with this news. He insists Dusty is the reason Eliza is missing. He calls Meg again, and Dusty answers her phone. He tells Dusty he knew marrying Meg would upset Paul, and that he is coming over to pick Meg up. Lily tells Holden not to fight with Dusty, and he leaves.

Josie wakes up and notices her phone is missing. Paul shows her he has it, and wonders if she was going to turn him into the police. She tells him she was hoping he would turn himself in, but Paul still refuses. Josie gathers her things and tells Paul she doesn't want to be a part of his kidnapping. She goes to leave, but Paul blocks her. Paul asks Josie what makes her think she has a choice. Paul tells her if she turns him into the cops, he will just tell them the entire idea was hers.

Henry and Vienna eat at the Lakeview. Henry complains about the dog eating off his plate, and Vienna tells him it won't happen again. They discuss the dog's obedience training, and Vienna admits Pepper failed the course. They also discuss kids and Henry remarks he is glad they are not going to have any. Henry makes Vienna promise not to feed Pepper any more table food. In exchange, Henry agrees to allow Pepper to sleep in his sweater drawer. When Henry takes a business call outside, Vienna stuffs table food into her purse for Pepper.

Holden arrives at Dusty's room at the Lakeview. Meg hugs Holden, but tells him she is fine at the Lakeview with Dusty. Holden yells at Dusty, telling him it is his fault Eliza is missing. He says their marriage pushed him to go over the edge. Dusty snaps back at Holden. Meg commands both of them to stop fighting. She says she'll go home with Holden. She thanks Dusty for everything he's done for her.

Josie tells Paul she will give him an hour to turn himself in, then she will turn him into the cops. Eliza begins to cry, distracting Paul. While he attends to Eliza, Josie is able to slip out. She bangs on people's doors, but no one will answer. Paul finds her and begs her to listen to him and to give him one week of time with his daughter. He tells her at the end of one week, he will take Eliza back himself. Josie agrees to the deal.

At the Lakeview, Katie and Brad run into Vienna and Henry. Katie and Brad tell them they need a room because the camera crews are driving them crazy while they try to make a baby. Vienna is thrilled at the news, but Henry tells the couple they are making a mistake, saying babies are a lot of work. Brad goes to get them a room while Katie and Vienna continue to talk. Henry again points out the negatives of having kids, and Vienna tells him he is turning into a grouch. Brad returns and tells Katie the hotel is booked. The camera crew is looking for them within the hotel, and they narrowly escape into the elevator. Up in Vienna and Henry's room, Katie worries Kim will cancel the show if they skip out on her. Vienna comes up with the idea of switching places with them. She puts on a blond wig and Katie's clothes while Henry takes Brad's clothes. They leave to take the camera crew on a goose chase so that Katie and Brad can have some privacy.

Paul finds a room with some music and puts it on. He dances with Eliza. Josie sees there is a phone in the room. They go into another area and Josie tells Paul after this, she will be living alone somewhere, away from people because they are too much trouble. Paul tells her that isn't a good idea. Paul inquires about Dusty, but Josie doesn't want to talk about it. Paul speculates Eliza must be getting hungry and he goes to make her another bottle, telling Josie when Meg got pregnant, he read everything he could about babies. When he leaves, Josie phones Dusty to tell him Eliza is okay and that Meg will get her back, but she needs to be patient. Dusty wants to know where she and Paul are, but she won't disclose her location. She makes sure Dusty will deliver the message before she hangs up. Paul comes back into the room and catches her just as she hangs up the phone.

At the Lakeview, Katie and Brad make love. Katie is positive she is pregnant now and she wonders if she'll be a good mom. Brad tells her she'll be a great mom, and offers her advice about not being over-protective. Katie just rolls her eyes. Katie suggests they make love again to ensure the pregnancy took.

Vienna and Henry lead the camera crew back to Katie and Brad's. They go into the bedroom, and the camera crew follows. They pretend to make love. The camera crew leaves for lunch and Vienna and Henry go into the living room. Vienna gets quiet. She tells Henry she believes Brad and Katie have the right idea, to have a baby. Henry insists he doesn't want that kind of commitment. Vienna leaves upset, telling Henry if he won't give her a baby, she will find someone who will.

At the farm, Holden gives Meg a hard time, reminding her that Dusty is bad news. Meg insists she was trying to help Dusty, and Dusty was helping her. He asks Meg why she won't allow her family to help, and she doesn't have an answer. They go upstairs to check on Emma. Meg says Emma being sick is part of the reason she stayed at the Lakeview, telling him she didn't want to see everyone's fear and sadness.

Lily visits Dusty at the Lakeview. Dusty blames himself for Eliza's disappearance, but Lily insists Dusty is not responsible, Paul is. Dusty tells Lily he is going to back off and just let Meg be because she doesn't need him in her life.

Josie tells Paul he trapped her. He tells her he had to be sure she wouldn't turn him in. She swears she just told Dusty to let Meg know Eliza is all right. She says now Paul has to keep his end of the deal.

Lily returns to the farm to find Meg scrubbing. She finds one of Eliza's bottles and worries she might be hungry. Lily assures Meg Paul is taking good care of her. Lily tells Holden about her meeting with Dusty. She tells him Dusty is going to back down, but Holden is not reassured.

Dusty comes to the farm after he receives Josie's call. He tells Meg that Josie called and that she is with Paul. He tells her Josie says Eliza is okay and that she will be home soon. Lily asks Dusty if he trusts Josie's word, and he says he does. Holden wants to know why Dusty didn't call the police, and Dusty tells him he thought Meg should be the first to know about the call. Holden goes to call the cops.

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